Project Name:Guadalupe Creek Fish Ladder
Location:Campbell, CA
Owner: Santa Clara Valley Water District
Owner Contact: Tim Bramer – (408) 265-2607
Prime Contractor: Con-Quest Contractors, Inc.
Prime Contractor Contact
Architect/Engineer: Owner
Architect/Engineer Contact: N/A
Construction Manger Contact: N/A
Description Of Project Scope: All work performed within Guadalupe Creek. Design and implement a gravity water diversion around work capable of handling 100 cfs of water flow in creek, including a back up pump system. Installation of a cast in place concrete fish ladder structure, erosion control, slope protection, rip-rap plunge pool, 5 new weir structures and modify existing. HAZ-MAT excavation and controlled disposal of 460 tons of Mercury contaminated soils. Monitor and maintain sensitive wildlife area within works limits discovered during construction.
Original Bid Amount: $819,620.00
Change Orders: $ 18,624
Claims $ 0
Final Contract Value: $838,244
Original Start Date: October 29, 2009
Original Duration: 80 Calendar Days
Original Completion Date: August 11, 2008
Time Extension Granted In Days: 0
Actual Completion Date: October 29, 2009
Liquidated Damages: None
Recordable Accidents: Zero
Lost Time Accidents/ LAF: Zero / 0
OSHA Violations/ Fines: None
Project Name: Sunnydale Auxiliary Sewer Project
Location: San Francisco, CA
Owner: San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Owner Contact: Glen Cross -
Prime Contractor: Super Excavators
Prime Contractor Contact: Doug Stoffel 414-491-1850
Architect/Engineer: Jacobs Engineering
Architect/Engineer Contact: N/A
Construction Manger Contact: N/A
Description Of Project Scope: Drive 32,000 SF of Sheet Pile; Excavate 6,000 CY to a depth of 32' & backfill same including bracing for a 12’ dia. Tunnel Launch Pit. Drive 6,300 SF of Sheet Pile; Excavate 1,250 CY to a depth of 28' & backfill same including bracing for 12’ dia. Tunnel Receiving Pit / 96” Micro Tunnel Launch Pit. Construct a 25 x 30 x 28'd Solider Pile & Lagging for 96” Micro Tunnel Receiving Pit. Construct four concrete junction/tie-in structures totaling 1,000 CY. Installed, Maintained and Removed Dewatering System for all 3 Pits with a total of 18 pumps to depths of 60’. Installed 108" S.S. Pipe for Tie Ins. (Be Specific Qty's & Sizes)
Original Bid Amount: $ 3,169,590.00
Change Orders: $ 724,000.00
Claims $ ---0---
Final Contract Value: $ 3,893,590.00
Original Start Date: September , 2010
Original Duration: 560 Calendar Days
Original Date: March, 2012
Time Extension Granted In Days: N/A – C-QC was a subcontractor on this project.
Actual Completion Date: January, 2012 – for C-QC’s work
Liquidated Damages None
Recordable Accidents/ RAF: Zero / 0
Lost Time Accidents/ LAF: Zero / 0
OSHA Violations/ Fines: None
Project Name: Agua Fria, Toroges and Agua Caliente Creek Improvements
C115 (11029)
Location: Fremont, CA
Owner: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority – VTA
Prime Contractor: Con-Quest Contractors, Inc.
Prime Contractor Contact: Paul Loukianoff – 415-206-0524
Architect/Engineer: HNTB Corporation
Architect/Engineer Contact: N/A
Construction Manger Contact: N/A
Description Of Project Scope:
Work under this project consisted of installing a precast UPRR railroad bridge, over 3,200 CY of CIP concrete including 1,100 Liner Feet of retaining wall, 1,20 Lf of CIP box Culvert, 250 LF of precast concrete box culvers and new inlet structures for a new 78” RCP and existing 81” RCP. The new 78” RCP was installed by micro tunneling under active UPRR track which required soil monitoring. Launch and receiving pit were 22’ deep using beam and sheet piles. In addition C-QC installed 1,000 TF of UPRR track with 2 turnouts.
Original Bid Amount: $7,673,890.00
Change Orders: $1,351,341.20
Claims: $ ---0----
Final Contract Value: $8,912,611.65
Original Start Date: June 2011
Original Duration: 471 – Calendar Days
Original Completion Date: September 2012
Time Extension Granted In Days: 304 – Calendar Days
Actual Completion Date: September 2013
Liquidated Damages :None
Recordable Accidents/ RAF: Zero / 0
Lost Time Accidents/ LAF: Zero / 0
OSHA Violations/ Fines: None