Project Name: 5 Fulton Ductbank Construction Project MR-1242
Location: San Francisco, CA
Owner: San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
Owner Contact: Victor Yuen 415-706-1142
Prime Contractor: Con-Quest Contractors, Inc.
Prime Contractor Contact: N/A
Architect/Engineer: N/A
Architect/Engineer Contact: N/A
Construction Manger Contact: N/A
Description Of Project Scope: Installed 7,325 LF of 2 -2” & 6 – 6” HDPE concrete encased ductbank. Exc, Set and Backfilled 15- 6’ x 8’ x 8’ vaults for Traction Power System along Fulton Street between 32nd and 8th Avenues. Install 2,670 LF of GRS conduit to new and existing Feeder Trolley Poles. Install 12 new trolley poles & foundations. Modify existing overhead contact system.Install 1425 CY of new concrete street base; ground 103,680 SF of existing asphalt; and, place 1,605 tons of new asphalt. Install 1,700 SF of sidewalk; 400 LF of curb & gutter; and, 19 curb ramps.
Original Bid Amount: $ 6,053,975.00
Change Orders $ - 550,000.00
Claims $ ---0---
Final Contract Value: $ 5,453,975.00
Original Start Date: January, 2011
Original Duration: 485 Calendar Days
Original Completion Date: May, 2012
Time Extension Granted In Days: N/A
Actual Completion Date: January, 2012
Liquidated Damages None
Recordable Accidents/ RAF Zero / 0
Lost Time Accidents/ LAF Zero / 0
OSHA Violations/ Fines: None
Project Name: Bernal Heights
Location: San Francisco, CA
Owner: SFPW
Owner Contact: Joe Timinare
Prime Contractor: Con-Quest Contractors, Inc.
Prime Contractor: Contact 415.206.0524
Architect/Engineer: Owner
Architect/Engineer Contact: N/A
Construction Manger Contact: N/A
Description Of Project Scope: Reconstruct and Widen 230 LF of Roadway. Construct 140 LF of 8’ tall CIP Retaining Wall on 24”x 30’ deep CIDH pile. Construct 420LF of Wood Retaining wall ranging from 2 to 6’ Rail. Construct 240 LF of CIP stairs and walk way
Original Bid Amount: $583,325
Change Orders: $61,669
Claims: $ ---0---
Final Contract Value: $644,994.63
Original Start Date: January 5th, 2009
Original Duration: 90 Calendar Days
Original Completion Date: April 4th, 2009
Time Extension Granted In Days: 45
Revised Completion Date: 5/20/09
Actual Completion Date: 5/12/09
Liquidated Damages: None
Recordable Accidents/ RAF: Zero / 0
Lost Time Accidents/ LAF: Zero / 0
OSHA Violations/ Fines: None
Project Name: Guadalupe Creek Fish Ladder
Location: Campbell, CA
Owner: Santa Clara Valley Water District
Owner Contact: Tim Bramer – (408) 265-2607
Prime Contractor: Con-Quest Contractors, Inc.
Architect/Engineer: Owner
Architect/Engineer Contact: N/A
Construction Manger Contact: N/A
Description Of Project Scope: All work performed within Guadalupe Creek. Design and implement a gravity water diversion around work capable of handling 100 cfs of water flow in creek, including a back up pump system. Installation of a cast in place concrete fish ladder structure, erosion control, slope protection, rip-rap plunge pool, 5 new weir structures and modify existing. HAZ-MAT excavation and controlled disposal of 460 tons of Mercury contaminated soils. Monitor and maintain sensitive wildlife area within works limits discovered during construction.
Original Bid Amount: $819,620.00
Change Orders: $18,624
Claims $0
Final Contract Value: $838,244
Original Start Date: October 29, 2009
Original Duration: 80 Calendar Days
Original Completion Date: August 11, 2008
Time Extension Granted In Days: 0
Actual Completion Date: October 29, 2009
Liquidated Damages: None
Recordable Accidents: Zero
Lost Time Accidents/ LAF: Zero / 0
OSHA Violations/ Fines: None
Project Name: San Francisco Veteran Affairs Hospital
Location: San Francisco, CA
Owner: SFVA – Army Corps of Engineers
Owner Contact:
Prime Contractor: Helix Electric
Prime Contractor Contact: Brady Hill – 415.933.6196
Architect/Engineer: Winzler & Kelly
Architect/Engineer Contact: N/A
Construction Manger Contact: N/A
Description Of Project Scope: Con-Quest performed as a subcontractor providing civil support for Helix Electric to install a new electrical ductbank in order to upgrade the SFVA hospitals system. Work on this congested work site included:
- 4,000 lf of 3’ x 5’ trenching including sawcutting and offhaul of native materials for power and communication ductbank
- 7,000 lf of 18” x 2’ trenching for new site lighting
- Drill and form 44 new light pole bases
- Form and pour 7 new large equipment pads including retaining walls and inlaid drain troughs.
- Excavate and install 24 vaults 12’ x 12’ x 10’ deep
- Restore 300 LF of Curb & Gutter and 2,600 SF of Sidewalk.
Original Bid Amount: $492,718.00
Change Orders: $307,000.00 – to date
Claims: $ ---0---
Final Contract Value: $ 799,718.00 – to date
Original Start Date: September 2011
Original Duration:
Original Completion Date: August 2014
Time Extension Granted In Days: TBD
Actual Completion Date: TBD – For C-QC work
Liquidated Damages: None
Recordable Accidents/ RAF: Zero / 0
Lost Time Accidents/ LAF: Zero / 0
OSHA Violations/ Fines: None
Project Name: Oceanside WWTP – Thickened Primary Activated Sludge Pump and Piping Improvements
Location: San Francisco, CA
Owner: SF PUC
Owner Contact: Gordon King – 415.559.2170
Prime Contractor Con-Quest Contractors, Inc.
Prime Contractor Contact: Alex Baranoff
Architect/Engineer: SFPUC
Architect/Engineer Contact: N/A
Construction Manger Contact: N/A
Description Of Project Scope:
Replacement of 2 existing primary pumps with 2 new Wemco Hidrostal Screw Centrifugal Pumps, installation of 3 new 6” Magnetic Flowmeters and glass lined ductile iron piping field cut and grooved. Installed 3 pneumatic 6” plug valves and 6 manual 6”plug valves. In addition, new instrumentation and wiring for control systems and painting of all new pumps, piping and accessories.
Original Bid Amount: $357,500.00
Change Orders $ -11,354.57
Claims: $ ---0---
Final Contract Value: $346,145.57
Original Start Date: March 15, 2011
Original Duration: 180 Calendar Days
Original Completion Date: September 10, 2011
Time Extension Granted In Days: 30
Actual Completion Date: October 10, 2011
Liquidated Damages: None
Recordable Accidents/ RAF: Zero / 0
Lost Time Accidents/ LAF: Zero / 0
OSHA Violations/ Fines: None